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After Hour Emergencies


Dear Dr. Miller,

It has been three years since you repaired the peroneal tendons on my right ankle and two years since you did the same repair on y left ankle. I cannot believe it has been that long.

You saved my running career!!!

The fact that you made it possible for me to walk with no pain is a blessing. To be able to run is truly amazing.

Since the repairs I have completed two full marathons, three half marathons (will complete my fourth half marathon in three weeks) four 10 milers, 30 5ks (always on the podium) and all the countless training miles.

Thank you would be a gross understatement and could never be enough to repay you for all you have done for me.

I will always be in your debt,

Jill E.

Dr. Ruggiero,

I am totally amazed and thrilled to be walking without limping…not to mention the exquisite pain element. I appreciate your kindness, skill and wisdom more than you’ll ever know.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for “insulting” my old knee, and replacing her with my new “girl” knee.

Betsy O.

Dr. Odgers,

I would like to express my extreme gratitude to you for the tremendous job you did to fix my right shoulder. I really appreciate the care you provided me.

Thank You and God Bless.

Stanley M. C.

Dr. Miller’s patient, James G., working on the antenna atop of the Freedom Tower, One World Trade Center, New York, NY