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phone For Appointment: (610) 644-6900
After Hour Emergencies

Automobile Accident Claims

If you are visiting our office for an injury sustained in an automobile accident, please provide the following information at the time of your first visit: the date of the accident, name of the insurance carrier covering your claim, the contact person and telephone number of the person representing the insurance company and the claim number that corresponds to your accident. You will also be required to provide us with your personal health insurance information in the event that your auto claim limits become exhausted. If your personal health insurance requires referrals, you are responsible to obtain referrals for all of service rendered to you by our practice. If you do not obtain the needed referrals, and your auto claim becomes exhausted, you risk not being covered by your personal health insurance and will be responsible for the payment of the unpaid bills.

If you have any questions regarding our policy on automobile accident claims, please call our billing department at (610) 644-6902.